Welcome to WNR Mobile
Heavy Duty Diesel Repair
WNR Mobile has the equipment and expertise to repair and maintain your vehicle. Our emphasis is on transparency and professionalism. We pride ourselves on performing the highest quality servicing as quickly and efficiently as possible — something all our customers appreciate.
Opening Hours
Open Availability
24 Hours a Day
7 Days a Week
Open Holidays and Wekkends

About Us
Pros That Care
Tyler Warner is the owner and founder of WNR Mobile, LLC. He has an extensive background in diesel mechanics, ranging in a wide variety of industries. With 16 years of experience, Tyler has worked on many different types of vehicles and machines.
Under the direction of his dad, Tyler started his career in mechanics at the age of 16. He completed high school auto class. After graduation, Tyler decided to serve our country and was a mechanic for the U.S. Army overseas. When he returned home, he continued his education and earned a Diesel Mechanic degree at WyoTech.
Upon returning home, Tyler had a wide array of jobs, including working on vehicles, semi-trucks, garbage trucks, fixing and servicing mine equipment, and building demolition derby cars in his spare time.
WNR Mobile, LLC is Tyler's company and he is proud to serve you as a customer.